Tuesday, August 23, 2016


It's good to get feedback from other writers.  That's why I rejoined League of Utah Writers after some hiatus.  I went to a different branch of the group before, one, that met in person.  It was really good to get personal feedback, especially from such excellent writers and critiquers.  Several of them are published and really know what they're doing.

However, I found myself going less and less often because life gets hectic.  The way they run it, you bring your text in one time, people take it home and read and critique it thoroughly, and then you get it back with verbal explanations the next time.  It's a good system, but it didn't work for me.  I would have to have driven 20 minutes to get back into town after going home, or I would have had to stick around in town long after it was necessary...two weeks in a row.  It's hard to make a commitment like that.  If I lived in town, it would have been no big deal.  But especially in winter when even the highway can get slick, and fog makes visibility at night impossible, I just rarely went.

Then I discovered a group that met ONLINE.  Some of them aren't even in the same STATE.  I get the sense that most of them are a little more new to the experience of writing, but the group works for me because I can do it on my own time, without the drive.  It does require that I drop everything to critique others' writing once a month, but it's working fairly well for me since I get their critiques in return.  As I said in a different blog last time, I highly recommend a group like this for anyone.

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