Friday, August 21, 2020

Progress at Last


[A new drawing I added to one of the books.]

I'm truly actively working on reworking my chapter book series, Doomimals, with an eye to getting it to you, the reader, as soon as possible.  I finally have a plan to proceed, including all the feedback I've received from fellow writers, the three-act structure for individual books and first 9 books, notes on story structure from a writers' conference, editor feedback I've now boiled down to a template I can use for each book, and some other adjustments I've decided to make for consistency's sake, including things like foreshadowing, consistency of character names and disabilities (one is hard-of-hearing, and another is ADD).  I've also had to tweak art and add more illustrations if a chapter has grown so big it has needed to be divided.  Now I'm making progress, these books should be ready for you soon.  


Up until now, I've been trying to figure out a plan of how to proceed.  I knew I wanted to rework the books in a way that would be most appealing to you as a reader.  I also knew I wanted to build up story arcs and consistency across the nine books, to the point where all books build together to work as one book as well.  I now have realized I was missing a most critical item, among other things, across all books, which is building up the question that drives the story and the heart that drives each book.  I know the kids all want their families to be reunited, and the way to do that is to save the world.  That kind of thing will help the books stay compelling throughout the read.  

Due to life getting busier with kids in school and an increased workload, I can't promise it will be ready this month, but I'm hoping very soon to be able to get it submitted to the editor.  I'll let you know here as soon as I have specific dates in mind.  Stay tuned, and I'll keep you posted.