Sunday, May 22, 2016

Back to Editing

I'm almost done with my rough draft for my second book, Pigs Fly.  I know there are parts that need to be beefed up, particularly the spiritual parts, a few characters that more or less disappear, subplots I planned to write but haven't, and especially spiritual parts.  However, mostly, I need to let the editor side of my brain back in the door.

Mostly, I just write my first draft.  I let the words flow naturally.  If something needs to be edited or substantially altered, I just note that without going there and move on.  I have written most of my important scenes, sewn them together, and smoothed out the plotline.  Now, I can open the door and let my internal editor tackle it.  While she's in the room, I also need to let her take a serious crack at that first manuscript.  I just dread this part.  The fun part is letting my imagination go nuts.  It's play for me.  Now, I feel like I'm having to go back to work.  When I wrote my first book, After the Dream, I took about six months to get to this point.  Once again, it's been six months.  I just pray it doesn't take me the same twelve months to get the work part out of the way, so I can get back to playing.

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