Sunday, April 26, 2020

Inching Closer to Publication

[Three main characters from Doomimals plus Dad, by Ghostelle.

I've now finished a read through my first ten Doomimals books, turning them from rough drafts to more polished drafts.  They're now in the hands of my beta reader, and she's finding them enthralling and fun.  She said once she gets into a book, she can scarcely put it down.  One day soon, you'll get the chance to read about the adventures of Davis, his twin, Kitt, and their younger cousin, Tessa, and their battles with the evil Dog of War.  You'll also meet their animal allies, Fluffy the blue tarantula, Snuggles the pastel python, Cookie and Ru the crazy cats, Zippy the tortoise, and several others.  You'll recognize events and themes from familiar stories like "Chicken Little," "Three Little Kittens," "Three Billy Goats Gruff," among others, but yet find these adventures reimagined with sci-fi, fantasy, and humor, geared for an audience of kids aged 7-12. 

[Just Us Chickens--officially illustrated by Designer Hen.]

Ax the Narrator, my teenaged boy, has finished his bonus books about the Just Us Chickens, a spin-off of my series.  He took the chicken from my Doomimals Book 1: Cockadoodle-DOOM, a sci-fi adaptation of "Chicken Little" and turned him into a cowardly hero, one of a league of super (silly) chickens.  He has written the first three books of the regular Just US Chickens books, the back story of his Superman spoof, Impeckable, and the first book of a separate spin-off series, Key Lime Python, a swashbuckling, galaxy-traveling heroic alien snake. 

[An illustration from book two, once again officially by Designer Hen.]

I'm right now touching up the color illustrations for Chickens (officially drawn by a character in the book).  I've illustrated (in black and white) 6 of my books, and my illustrator is finishing up the beautiful drawings for the last book I've asked her to illustrate.  Within a few days, we'll have a full set of illustrations for all books.  I hope you'll love these images. 

[Soon, you, like the Doomimals kids, will get to meet the Just Us Chickens.]

All I have left is to finish loading all stories, background, and feedback into Scrivener.  It's the final major revision before I get these books into your hands.  Once that's done, Ax the Narrator will set up a Doomimals extended wiki.  For future updates, watch here as well as my webpage, which will very soon feature a page all about Chickens.  We look forward to announcing the actual publication of our first collection of books. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Where Am I Now?

In some ways, shelter in place has made finding time to write easier.  I've lost a lot of work, so I have a lot more time on my hands.  On the other hand, I can't say I've used it as wisely as I could have.  I've been helping my boy work toward getting his first ten done.  He's now done with the first eight books in his series (plus his bonuses), and he's taking his spring break off to just enjoy his time.  He has a hard time focusing otherwise but doesn't enjoy anything quite so much as coming up with and writing stories down.

[An illustration of one of our crossover books, drawn by Ghostelle]

Meanwhile, I have just one more book waiting for its illustrations.  All others have been done, though some of them need a bit of polish I can give them now I've become better at digital art.  Also, I'm all but done with editing my book drafts for my beta reader, who is rapidly plowing through them and giving me feedback.  I'm hoping for some other feedback, but we'll see.

Also, I've been working on Scrivener skills.  Very shortly, I'll load all my world-building information into Scrivener as well as all books in my series and my boy's series.  We'll compare them back and forth and make sure the overall structure works.  We'll also be applying all editor, beta reader, and other feedback we've gotten.  That's the big thing that we need to do before we can proclaim ourselves done and get this first collection polished and into your hands.  We are shooting to do it before summer, but we'll see.  Stay tuned for further updates.