Sunday, December 11, 2016

Feeling the Inspiration Come Back

I've missed my desire to write.  I've wanted to want to write for a while.  But with my busy, crazy days, I've been so burnt out by the time I get to the end of the day.  So what is a writer who doesn't really write much?  A little lost, I'm afraid.  I've felt lost without the writer side of me but loathe to do something after hours since work hours meant staring at a computer.

Now, I'm looking at the light at the end of the tunnel [and it's not a train.]  One insanely time-consuming assignment wraps up this week, and I'm seeing my writing through the end of that tunnel.  It makes me feel light and happy.  I spent real time editing one of my drafts for the first time in weeks last night.   I feel my writing self beneath the surface, just waiting to come out, or rather, creeping back out, little by little.  Soon.

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