Saturday, November 5, 2016

More Feedback

My nephew, entirely outside the target audience for my writing, has been reading and, for the most part, enjoying my novel.  He's been giving me great suggestions of how to make some child characters' responses more true to children who have been neglected by a parent.  It's great feedback and points I'd never considered.

It's really nice to have readers fully engage with my material.  I've had some readers who just gloss over everything and say that it's wonderful.  But I'm to a point that I want real feedback.  It's more helpful than those who say it's just good.  On the other hand, it does make me wonder if I will ever get to a state of doneness.  I know it will come.  But it just feels so long and strenuous.  I need to sit down and engage with all of this feedback.

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