Sunday, September 11, 2016



My first novel and second are tied, so whatever I do to one, I have to do to the other.  I have spent the last 2-3 months revising my first novel to be third-person instead of first based on feedback.  I knew this was coming, but I'm still stuck with it.  The second book, Pigs Fly, is only in first-draft but is already close to 80,000 words.  I'm back to the tedious [and long] process of revising the next book to be third-person.  Man, this is going to make me think twice about doing a huge chunk of books one and two before I finalize book one.  Because if editing one such book this way makes me want to pull my hair out until I'm bald, doing the same again makes me want to run screaming for the hills.

But the one thing I don't want to do right now is to even look at book one until I hear back from the editor.  I need a serious break.  And I haven't edited book 2 to death.  It's been really rough drafted, assembled and reorganized, and not much else.  I haven't even read it aloud to my husband, who's one of my best critics.  And it's not so bad to change things up in the tedious way if I'm still editing everything else.  So I guess minutia editing, here I come.

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