Sunday, December 27, 2020

Making Progress

[heart of the books: source]

One thing my first set of Doomimals books have been missing is a center: a central villain, a central purpose, and a central motivation for my heroes.  And they all needed to be tied together.  Basically, it's been missing a heart.  It was a crazy bunch of events, one after another, but it wasn't clear how they tied together.  

[Hourglass: source]

So during this brief time I have a lot of freedom, I've been working on installing that center, that heart, on tying all parts together in terms of the opposing motivation of villain and heroes.  My nephew, a recently published author, confirmed that is the one big thing he was missing from these books.  He's been one of my mentors through this writing venture, so it's good to hear I'm on the right track. 

[Summer Reading: Source]

It's fairly clear I won't get all books revised and ready to go by the end of this this brief holiday break.  But if I can get through the first two books, that will be significant progress.  I'll shoot to have them all ready to go by summer, when kids everywhere will be seeking something to read.  


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