Sunday, July 5, 2020


This is usually the time of year when I have plenty of time to get writing, editing, etc. done.  But this is a strange year.  I usually teach two classes, which leaves some time between grading weeks.  But everything has switched around at the school where I teach online.  I only got one class to teach.  Also, COVID disappeared some of my work from my other job in the beginning the quarantine but has added work on this other end.  I transcribe for students and other clients who are deaf and hard of hearing.  Work usually dries up between school years, during the summer.  This year, I've actually been able to get a lot more work than usual, in part because of the COVID situation.  Between teaching and my other day job, I'm busy a lot more of the time than I expected, leaving me less time to work on writing.  In addition, I've been helping family members work on their homes, one family member to prepare for a refi and one to prepare to sell one home and move into another.  This has eaten up what time work has left untouched.

Sadly, this has put a damper on my enthusiastic progress toward polishing my stories.  Now that work is slowing, and the other two situations with homes are close to a resolution, I believe I can spend the last half of summer focusing on editing and polishing my writing.  This is going to happen.  It has to.

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