Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Newest Plan

My days have opened up a bit with some cancellations on my schedule.  I'm still not where I need to be with my books, but I have a plan.  My nephew has been helping me see the importance of the 12-point structure story, basically a codification of the hero's journey used by writers and movie makers everywhere.  There are 12 story beats most stories need to hit. 

Also, I went to Authorcon recently, where I heard a writer describe the dramatic structure it takes to make a satisfying structure (described in my Writer's Reflections).  It occurred to me that if I hit most of those beats in the 12-point structure, one per chapter, and make sure to reshape the stories according to dramatic structure, my stories will be more readable and engaging.  In order to be able to see them all at once and make the structural change, I need to figure out Scrivener.  It also makes the most sense to illustrate them myself to save money. 

So, now, I have a plan.  I just have to make it happen.  I hope to make a lot of progress now I have more time. 

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