We were able to get into Mark Dawson's class, the one that trains you to become successfully self-published. We're clearing our slate of other critical items, so we can start it soon. The one piece I could never figure out for myself, even after several other classes, was how to market on the road to self-publication. Apparently, this plus some books on the topic will start opening doors and making things clear. This is something anyone can do, even you. It's not a cheap class, but it will be worth it in the end.
Another step we'll be pursuing, likely this week, is finding a cover designer on Fiverr. Yesterday, I picked up an audiobook on the strength of its cover and because it was for the same target audience. Two things (other than boredom) came out of it: 1. an exciting, professional cover can bring the audience, especially on a website like Amazon; 2. doing my own audiobooks won't be outside the realm of possibility because I can read in a much more expressive way that that actor. I don't know that I'll have time for all of them, but I can get it started and then maybe pay someone to do the rest. Getting someone to do it won't be cheap, but if the book starts making sales, it may pay for itself. And my boy has crazy, fun voices already practiced for his audiobooks.
I'm sure setting up toward successful self-publication will be time-consuming, but in the end, knowing how to do it will be one of the most important skills we can acquire. And as we figure this out as a family, I'll share my path to success, so you can both try it yourself and learn when and how to acquire our books. It will be an adventure for all of us.