Sunday, December 5, 2021

Pausing to Enter a Contest

[A contest about Q-source]

My writing group, League of Utah Writers, sent me information on an intriguing contest.  I thought it would be a fun thing to try.  Entries are meant to be only 1000 words or fewer, and all need to have three Q words in it.  We're right now working on gathering up drafts of unpublished pieces as well as fresh brainstorms.  I know hour chances of winning aren't that high.  I've very rarely won writing contests of any type, but as with our writing series, it's something my boy and I can work on together. 

[Entering a contest-source]

 I've been trying to brainstorm ideas for three weeks, since I first heard of the contest.  The due date is tomorrow, so I know I don't have a lot of time.  But I finally decided rather than to tack these words onto a story that's been sitting around for a while to start afresh, to dig into those words and try to bring the meaning out of them.  We may use some stories my boy's already written, possibly including some super chickens.  If they get published, I'll announce it.  But we'll definitely also start something new.  And that's always exciting.  I recommend trying it.