Sunday, January 17, 2021

Wrapping up book one

[An illustration from Cockadoodle-DOOM!]

 I was hoping to finish two of my book series by the end of the holiday, but at least I'm just about done with rewriting book one.  I really want to do Doomimals justice.  I want it to be a kids' chapter book series that transports and entertains, while having a sense of reality and groundedness. I want a structure that works within the tradition of the three-act structure, one that keeps the rules but doesn't feel dull or by-the-numbers.  Basically, I want to offer you and your kids something fun and funny but smooth and streamlined as well.  

[An illustration from Cat-a-clysm]

Book one, Cockadoodle-DOOM, has evolved a lot through the feedback from friends, my writing group, a freelance editor, and more.  But it is almost to a finished, polished state.  Then, I will move onto book two, Cat-a-clysm and treat that the same.  It's just a lot shorter, since it doesn't have to establish ground rules for the series as book one does.  It, too, should transport and entertain kids and adults.  I'll keep you posted as I finish each book and get it ready for you.  

[An image from Just Us Chickens.]

Soon, I will have the first ten books published and ready to be read in one collection for you, along with bonus materials such as a video game, a card game, and some bonus books, including the first three of my boy's superhero chicken series Just Us Chickens.  I'm looking forward to bringing these all to you soon.