[My illustration from Arachnageddon, book 7]
[Revision; source]
I have been assembling techniques from webinars I'll use to attack the revision step once I'm done with illustrations. My nephew helped me figure out how to transfer all the background and world-building information plus all the drafts into Scrivener. That will help me assess them and compare scenes. I'm also researching the Story Grid, which will, paired with the traditional story structure, help me turn my rough drafts into polished drafts. I also have feedback from an editor on the first book, feedback from experienced writers on first through third books, and a reader busily reading through those books and the rest in order to give me feedback. I'm also hoping to get some help from my nephew whose specialty is structuring stories. I'm shooting to be ready to publish by summer.
[A scene from a Just Us Chickens bonus book.]
My boy is, meanwhile, busily churning out the rest of his first ten books plus some bonus books, so not long after my books have been published, the spin-off series of Just us Chickens (about a superheroic group of chickens) will be ready to go. In the meantime, he'll tack a few chickens books onto Doomimals to introduce you, the reader, to his series. Both series, plus the sneak peek at his other series about a globetrotting, superpowered snake, Key Lime Python, are hilarious and can be enjoyed by readers of all ages. We're inching closer to introducing you into the Doomimals Extended Universe.