It's amazing how time can fill up, even when one thinks it's wide open. I've been working on editing my boy's chicken books and am close to done with them. However, I haven't had a lot of time for other writing tasks because my two day jobs seem to eat all the time that being a mom doesn't. My illustrator's tablet is still down for the count, so I guess I'll be cramming my two-week holiday full of drawing, revising, editing, and just trying to do all those things I haven't had time for recently.
Tomorrow, my nephew will come over and help me work out Scrivener, so I can launch into an overhaul of all 10 of my books at once. I also have some feedback from beta readers and editors to work on. I'm not sure how I'll cram it all in two weeks, but I'm going to do my best. We're not likely to do very many things over the holidays, so here goes nothing. I'm still wanting to bring you those awesome books my boy and I have been working on in the near future.